On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Tom MAK wrote:

LOL, yeah, I hope it helps, too! However, orionsupport doesn't have any
security stuff in it yet, besides one faqlet on how to change the user
Orion runs as. I'm more than happy to entertain answers on this, though,
as it's something I need to address and simply haven't had the time to
focus on. There are two (primary) ways to use security: via principals.xml
and static user lists, and database-controlled access lists. LDAP support
is on its way, I understand, and I'm sure there are more ways than I know
of offhand.

Any takers?

> Have a look at the following site...
> http://www.orionsupport.com/
> Hope it helps........
> >From: "Steven Punte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Example of Principals.xml and web.xml for simple access control?
> >Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 16:45:41 -0700
> >
> >Dear Orion Community:
> >
> >     I  LOVE   the Orion Server
> >     I  HATE   the Orion documentation.
> >
> >     We'll I guess that is a bit of an oversimplification.
> >
> >     Does anyone have an example they could post of a
> >     principals.xml and web.xml file that achieve simple
> >     access control of users to a directory?
> >
> >     The principals.xml and web.xml make so much
> >     more sense after one has their first working
> >     example.
> >
> >     Sorry for being such a wimp!
> >
> >STeve Punte
> >e-Business Software Architect
> >Technologent Inc
> >
> >
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Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://cupid.suninternet.com/~joeo      HOMES.COM Developer

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