this is incorrect. the container has to ensure that when a transaction is 
started the entity beans involced in that transaction have to be in sync 
with the underlying datastore. depending on your transaction isolation 
level this locks the record associated with your entity in the db during 
the transaction. if you modify the record with another client, the next 
transaction that is started and involves that entity should reload the 
current state, otherwise the container doesn't conform to the spec. so if 
you deleted records, the load operation should throw an exception. however, 
most containers (including orion) allow you to specify a flag that 
indicates that your server is the only thing writing to the database to 
avoid the expensive load operations at the beginning of each transaction. 
if you specify that and still modify the database from outside, you're on 
your own and can no longer rely on the spec. the effect that you cannot 
recreate an entity that you deleted manually looks like it's a caching 
problem (somewhere there's a hashtable of primary keys kept in memory 
that's not updated when the database record is deleted manually). so if you 
use the exclusive-write-access option then you're to blame. if you don't, I 
guess orion shouldn't behave that way and you should probably consider it a 
bug and post it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I might be wrong.



At 14:48 20.07.00 , Nick Newman wrote:
>Hi Rick,
>The EJB spec says that once the entity bean is loaded from the database,
>the container (Orion) doesn't have any responsibility to keep track of any
>possible changes to the database.  So what you are doing is basically
>sneaking behind Orion's back.
>The consequences of this depend on the circumstances, I believe.  Here's my
>best guess ...
>Suppose the server had not been busy for quite a while.  Under these
>conditions Orion would have written all its entity beans back to the DB and
>removed them from memory. If you now empty the DB, then all the entity
>beans are gone (in the sense that trying to find one from its primary key
>will fail).
>If the server is extremely busy when you emtied the DB, then all the entity
>beans may well have been in memory, and they will get recreated in the DB
>when Orion writes them out.
>Hope that helps.
>Nick Newman, SCIENTECH

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
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