> Mattias Arbin wrote:
> > I am trying to setup a linux user (Red Hat 6.2) to run orion.
> > When starting Orion I get the error:
> >
> > Error starting HTTP-Server: Permission denied
> > Orion/1.1.37 initialized
> >
> > Nothing in the logs.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > /Mattias
> Hi Mattias,
> Normally, that happens when you're trying to launch orion without root
> privileges. Ports below 1024 are reserved and can only be bound by
> root-owned programs.
> There are several solutions, but the easiest is to choose:
> 1 - You want Orion to listen to port 80 (the standard http port) and so
> you must launch it on a root prompt
> 2 - You don't mind if Orion does not listen to other port (say, for
> instance, 8080), but you want to launch it from an ordinary user
> account. In this case, you must edit the
> <orion_path>/config/default-web-site.xml
> and on the <web-site ... tag, change the port from port="80" to
> port="8080".
> In theory either one of these solutions, will make the permission denied
> error go away
> Best Regards,
> Fábio

Thanks. That explains the error.
However, my problem was not that I could't start Orion. I have run it as
root until now.
I just thought that it might be good, for security reasons, to create a user
less priviliges than root, to run Orion.


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