Connections obtained through a datasource ar closed to indicate that they are
available for re-use. The actual underlying connection to the database is not

Joe Peer wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> thank you for your responses!
> i forgot to say that i am already using orion's connection pooling
> capability (i never thought i would give up my old connection pooling
> package, but orion made it possible ;=)
> the reason why i wrote the original message to this list was that i knew i
> am making something wrong, because since i upgraded to orion 1.1.37 i got
> that interesting warning on my console:
> "DriverManagerConnectionPoolConnection not closed, check your code!"
> (and i get lots of them ;=)
> this made me think about how to manage connections in general. i did not
> know i had to CLOSE the connections (i thought a connection pool consists of
> OPEN connections)
> as you can see, i still don't understand this whole db-connection stuff, so
> every additional info is still very appreciated!!
> thanks,
> joe
> -------------
> to Keven: i haven't tried yet, but i don't see a reason why orion should NOT
> be able to pool connections to different databases
> --------------------------------
> Keven Duffey wrote:
> My input follows:
> > > * some people say, it's best practice to put 1 connection
> > > into 1 user's http
> > > session and use it for all requests of that user
> > This only works if you don't have a lot of users concurrently,
> > say a small intranet application, that doesn't care scalibility.
> > The reason is database connection can't be serialized for sure
> > and connection in http session can't be replicated across your
> > web server farm.  Hence each user in a session requires to use
> > the same machine in your web farm.  This could be terrible if you
> > intend to serve thousands of users concurrently.  Secondly
> > database licensing is an issue.  Some database vendors charge you
> > by concurrent opened connection.  If your site has a thousand
> > users concurrently, you will need to purchase a thousand licenses
> > (That is the thing scares me most).
> Agreed with would NEVER want to do this. If you are not careful
> you can lose the connections which will ultimately crash the database and/or
> the web server. VERY bad design.
> >
> > > * other people say it's best practice to use a connection for
> > > every request.
> > > (and if more than one methods are involved, the connection
> > > should be given
> > > as a method parameter)
> > >
> > I would rather use this per-requset approach.  Only open a
> > connection whenever a request comes in and needs database access.
> >  I can't think of a reason why passing around connection as
> > parameter is a bad idea as long as it is in the same request.
> This isn't bad. There are better ways.
> >
> > > * again other people argue that they don't care at all about reusing
> > > connection, they just open and close them when they need/want to
> > I would not like this idea since opening a database connection is
> > expensive unless there is a connection pooling mechanism in place.
> This is VERY slow, and in some tests its 100's of times slower than
> implementing a connection pool. For the original sender (and Conrad if you
> are not aware of this), there are two methods I would choose over the others
> above. The first is connection pooling. Servlets in the same web app
> maintain a Servlet Context that is a good place to store "global" objects.
> By making a connection pool class and putting it in the servlet context when
> the web app is first loaded, the connection pool is available to all
> servlets (and JSP pages). Beyond that, a connection pool allows you to open
> one or more connections and keep them alive while the web app is running.
> Because of this, instead of going over the network and opening a connection
> on each request, then closing that connection, you are given an immediate
> opened connection from the pool on every request. This class is relatively
> easy to implement as well.
> Option 2 is better when you are dealing with application servers, especialy
> with Orion. Orion has a very easy built-in connection pooling capability.
> Generally the EJB layer would use this to get and set data in the database,
> but your JSP/Servlets can do the same as well. Each Orion app server
> (assuming you are using a cluster for fail-over, load-balancing and
> scalability) can have its own connection pool settings. You provide the
> database driver, number of connections, and login/password. The rest is done
> through JDBC 2.0 DataSources. Now..I am not a pro at this I am
> taking a stab at how this actually works. I still use my old connection pool
> class. None the less, I am pretty sure its this easy. My only question to
> anyone that knows is..can Orion (and other app servers for that matter) have
> multiple connection pools per app server? On our site we maintain 3
> different databases and each request needs a connection from one of the
> three..depending on where the user is on the site. I would assume this is
> possible..otherwise alot of sites wouldn't use app server specific database
> connection pooling.
> Anyways..for what its worth..I hope that helps.
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