I have managed to get this working by doing the following:
- Adding orion.jar and ejb.jar to the required libraries of the project properties 'paths' tab.
- Setting the main class to 'com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer' and the VM parameters to '-Duser.dir=c:\orion' on the 'run' tab.

----- Original Message -----
From: Marc Rabil
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 4:28 PM
Subject: JBuilder as an IDE for Orion - Can this work?

Like many participating on this list, we are in the early stages of trying to set-up our development and infrastructure platform.  We are building apps that use both JSPs/Servlets in the web tier and EJB's in the application tier and really like Orion for this.  We also really like JBuilder as an IDE and debugging environment.  We are trying to figure out:
1. Is there any way to connect the JBuilder debugger to the Orion app server?
2. If so, do you need to use the Enterprise edition of JBuilder to accomplish this?
3. If not, what are folks using out there?
Thanks in advance for any assistance,

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