The reason PHP is important to me is that fact that we have done alot of
work with PHP, we have quite a significant investment in PHP and there are
alot more apps out there at the moment written in PHP. Now I want to migrate
over to JSP and the J2EE way of doing things but at the same time I don't
want to abandon what we have labored over.

As I had asked before, I wanted to know if I could use PHP from the Orion
server. That would allow me to host my php stuff keep my clients happy and
migrate stuff over to JSP and others, all with one server app. Well the
response is yes I can do it ( one reply saying I'm stupid for asking, though
he did say he was disturbed so I'll ignore it.;-) ). So I will dig into the
past emails and search the config files to get the answer hoping that in the
future I could read this in some document saving me the effort of "wasting"
peoples time (and especially my time) asking seemingly (but unknowingly)
obvious questions.

Thanks for the help ( and any more constructive advice and direction)


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