Ok...I admit it, I am stuck in user-land and need a map to get out.

It looks like the usermanager methodology is the way to authenticate my
users on my website. However, I am a little stuck.

If you look at the pet store example, nobody can log in unless you are a
user as identified in the principals.xml file, or you create a new user
everytime. Ok for a demo, but pretty useless for an ecommerce application.

The datasourceusermanager seems pretty good, except that without the
container/transaction stuff, we would have to implement all of that
ourselves. That brings me to the ejbusermanager. Its part of the
ejb/transaction management stuff, and provided my database can be relatively
secure, we can do our user authentication. But I have some befuddeling

1. If we include the user-manager declaration in the orion-application.xml,
is the rolemanager the proper interface for logging users in? Or must we get
the ejb reference, and hardcode the login? ,ie,

2. Will I need a separate datasource for the ejbusermanager?

3. Are there any examples of ejbusermanager authentication (soup to nuts)?

Regards and buffudled,


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