Sometimes it's easy to forget exactly what it is that J2EE provides for us.

In this case it's not an Orion issue. Declare the entity bean to be
bean-managed persistence using the <entity><persistence-type> tag in the EJB
deployment descriptor. All straight J2EE spec.

I haven't used earassembler but I've used ejbmaker and ejbassembler to
generate stubs and then tailor the deployment descriptor, respectively and
in that order, just for experiment. They worked quite well. I imagine
earassembler is more of the same. In practise I've found a good Ant build
script and manual D.D. editing to be the way to go.

Arved Sandstrom

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 3:56 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Disable CMP


I want to use Orion with my ejb without CMP.
1.)How could I configure Orion in order to use ejb without CMP ?
2.)How could I genarate
3.)How could I use ejbassembler ?
4.)How could I use earassembler ?

Thank you very much

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