
For a while I was using IAS as my EJB container and Orion as my web-layer.
To accomplish this was a bit of a pain, but if I remember correctly it
entailed placing the appropriate VisiBroker files (vbjorb.jar and vbejb.jar
I think) in the [jdk]/jre/lib/ext directory and starting Orion with the vbj
wrapper. To obtain a reference to the InitialContext you must use the
InitialContext(Properties p) constructor where p contains the appropriate
org.omg... and jndi... properties for VisiBroker. This is easier achieved if
you use a Singleton wrapper to access your InitialContext with your
properties set in one place.

A note:

I emphasise that I *was* using IAS 4 as my EJB Container (and Naming/CORBA
service) as I was involved in a product with a tight deliverance deadline
and Orion was still in its early pre-release days (0.7.blah) - the EJB part
was still not 100% stable. IAS is very robust, excellent for integrating
with legacy systems and has one of the best CORBA ORB implementations around
(VisiBroker) - however its EJB support was not all it made out to be. It
could not handle EJBs talking to EJBs in different JAR files (classloader
probs), scaled very poorly with finder methods that returned large amounts
of beans (it took about 7 minutes to iterate through the first 10 entities
when a finder method returned 10,000 entities), took way too long to perform
simple calls to EJBs as everything was marshalled to IIOP calls, and the OR
support turned out to be a case of the marketing guys getting ahead of the
product (the OR support wasn't there). Oh yeah, it wasn't J2EE compliant
either (what's an .ear?). These weren't all presumptions - I had all of
these confirmed by its developers on the support newsgroup.

By the time we had developed our application, Orion 1.0 final was nearly
out - we switched to it and we were in for a big surprise about how simple
the whole development effort could be and how blazingly quick the app run,
even under large loads with copious amounts of data.

I don't want to put down IAS as it IS a very good server and has some very
nice features - I chose it over WebLogic so it can't be that bad can it? ;)
However these downpoints nearly crippled us and I just wanted to warn you of
them. I was using 4.1 - it may have improved since then.

-Joe Walnes

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anders
> Callertun
> Sent: 11 September 2000 16:04
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Using an ORB from Inprise
> I want to access an EJB in Inprise Application Server from a JSP-page on
> Orion and I have a JavaBean that the JSP-page is using and is
> supposed to connect to the Appserver.
> When running stand-alone Java-applications we're using the argument
> "-Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB
> -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass=com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB" to java.exe
> to use the ORB from Inprise instead of the default, but this does not
> seems to work. Is there an XML-trick for this that I'm not aware of?
> Is there anyone else that is using the combination Orion+IAS successfully?
> /Anders

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