I use following script for Orion Start

perl -e "print '-'x25, 'Orion Started ', scalar(localtime),qq#\n#;"
perl -e "print '-'x25, 'Orion Started ', scalar(localtime),qq#\n#;"

java -Xmx160m -Dxml.rewrite=false -jar orion.jar 1>>log/ORION.LOG

perl -e "print '='x25, 'Orion Stoped ', scalar(localtime),qq#\n#;"
perl -e "print '='x25, 'Orion Stoped ', scalar(localtime),qq#\n#;"

and this script fot log viewing

start "ORION LOG" tail -f log/ORION.LOG
start "ORION ERORRS" tail -f log/ORION.ERR

And same (much like) under Unix

perl - www.perl.com,
tail - unix utilites for NT

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