The best way not to use tables autogeneration at all
Make optimal schema, write table api beans for your schema, write
application beans

----- Original Message -----
From: "KirkYarina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 12:33 PM
Subject: NULL/NOT NULL with autocreated tables

> I'm using orion-ejb-jar.xml to define many of the characteristics of our
> applications database table fields, and am unable to determine how I can
> specify NULL/NOT NULL constraints for these fields.  I rtfm (such as it
> is....) and looked at the orion-ejb-jar dtd, and couldn't find an answer.
> We're switching between several DBMS's during development, using different
> databases for different programmers and tasks, and still tweaking the
> schema a bit.  It's convenient to let Orion automatically create tables
> while all this is going on but I need to be able to control whether null
> fields are allowed, and have been unable to figure out how to do so.  Can
> anyone help?
> Thanks!
> Kirk Yarina

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