Don't forget that EJB 2.0 isn't a standard yet. It's a draft. Personally,
I'm mucking about with it a bit, and the parts I'm most interested in -
the OR mapping - I've not really covered, so I'm in the same boat of
wanting more information, but let's be real about it. It's not there
unless we generate it ourselves; we can't expect the Orion team to do
everything for us (we *are* developers, right?) so instead of griping
about it, read the draft. Play with it. Try things out. Tell others about
it, so we can ALL learn. (If I see stuff on it that I think is useful, as
soon as the infrastructure is done for the new orionsupport, I'll put it

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Christian Sell wrote:

> >I have been sending this mail for quite
> >some time but to no avail.
> well, maybe there IS no avail. Not many of us have done EJB 2.0 yet, and as
> far as the orion core team goes, I hope (!!) they are busy writing
> documentation for the basic stuff (and improving orion in their spare time).
> regards

Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]      HOMES.COM Developer

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