Title: RE: orion hangs when out of connections
I do some heavy mathematics and statistics calculation in a bean and then build a a datawarehouse out of the processed data. On the initial processing I read about  10 -12 million records and wrote about 1,5 million records. Needles to say the process time for this where more than a day. It all went through a single thread as one calculation depended on the other, so it couldn't be done multithreaded. This works great if I remember to start Orion like java -mx1024m -jar orion.jar. If not it's guaranteed to crash as Orion isn't fast enough to throw away old entitybeans.
When processing large amount of data with Orion you need loads of memory. If you do everything works great. If you don't you will get sporadic non deterministic crashes.
Torgeir Lerkerød
Telenor Mobil Communications
-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Byron du Preez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 21. september 2000 11:42
Til: Orion-Interest
Emne: RE: orion hangs when out of connections

We have seen Orion "choke" up in a similar fashion with a single application client with a single thread when given too large a transaction (800 inserts + 800*3 inserts + 800*20 inserts).

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 21 September 2000 09:29
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: SV: orion hangs when out of connections

No but i have seen another thing that can give the same result.

If you try deploy and the deployment meets a deadlock in the database orion
stops trying and hangs.

Those two can have something to do with eachother..

Klaus Myrseth
Telenor Mobil AS - PlanIT

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 20. september 2000 19:22
Til: Orion-Interest
Emne: orion hangs when out of connections


Has anyone else seen this behavior?  I found this email about it on the
list, with no responses. I am getting the same problem in our development

Basically when we put any kind of load on orion that exceeds the max
connections it can open, it hangs.  It doesn't die or refuse connections,
it just never sends any responses.

I have sent several emails to orion-support, but have not gotten any
responses.  I am running:

Orion 1.2.9
Solaris 2.8
JDK 1.2.2


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