I am having a problem parsing an xml file using the following code, trying
to validate the enclosed xml files...

i keep getting the following error:

** Parsing error, line 2, uri null
   Relative URI "Catalog.dtd"; can not be resolved without a document URI.

can anyone help?  sorry for the length...

public boolean checkXML (String source) // source is a file name string
passed from the web
   Document doc;
   String path = "d:/orion/applications/eldan/eldan-web/xml/" + source;

  if (source == null)
   System.out.println("\nValidator:checkXML: source string is null");

     DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory =
     DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
     Validator v =  new Validator();

     FileInputStream xmlStream = new FileInputStream(path);

//     URL url = v.getClass().getResource(path);
//       doc = docBuilder.parse (url.toString());

     doc = docBuilder.parse(xmlStream);
     valid = true;
     System.out.println("\nxml valid");

     } // end try
   catch (SAXParseException err)
    System.out.println("exception 1");
    System.out.println ("** Parsing error"
    + ", line " + err.getLineNumber ()
    + ", uri " + err.getSystemId ());
   System.out.println("   " + err.getMessage ());
    // print stack trace as below

  } // end catch 1
   catch (SAXException e)
    System.out.println("exception 2");
    Exception x = e.getException ();
       ((x == null) ? e : x).printStackTrace ();
   } // end catch 2
   catch (Throwable t)
    System.out.println("exception 3");
   t.printStackTrace ();
  } // end catch 3
  return valid;
  } // end checkXML
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE Catolog SYSTEM "Catalog.dtd">
 <Product ID = "1273">
  <ProductName>Air Jordan</ProductName>
  <Description>The best basketball shoe in town.</Description>
 <Product ID = "1274">
  <ProductName>Nike Zoom</ProductName>
  <Description>An amazing crosstrainer.</Description>
 <Product ID = "1276">
  <ProductName>Addidas Predator</ProductName>
  <Description>The best aspect of soccer today.</Description>
 <Product ID = "1279">
  <ProductName>Addidas Turbo</ProductName>
  <Description>The lightweight shoe for the future.</Description>
<!ELEMENT Catalog  (Product+ )>

<!ELEMENT Product  (ProductName , Description , Price )>
<!ELEMENT ProductName  (#PCDATA )>
<!ATTLIST ProductName  e-dtype NMTOKEN  #FIXED 'string' >
<!ELEMENT Description  (#PCDATA )>
<!ATTLIST Description  e-dtype NMTOKEN  #FIXED 'string' >
<!ELEMENT Price  (#PCDATA )>
<!ATTLIST Price  e-dtype NMTOKEN  #FIXED 'fixed.14.4' >

Derek Akers

Internet Application Developer
Eldan Software, Toronto


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