
While using the well-known <util:iterate> tag I got this error:

Attribute of type 'java.util.Collection' must be a request time attribute

The code that reproduce it:
---- My.jsp
<%@ taglib uri="mtags" prefix="mtags"  %>

<mtags:iterate id="retraso" 
                collection=="<%=com.enkamino.SomeClass.someFunction(someParameter)%>" >

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----- com.enkamino.SomeClass
package com.enkamino;

public class SomeClass {
       public SomeClass() {
       public static Collection someFunction(int someParameter) throws Exception {
        Vector vector = new Vector();
        return vector;

I'm using the modified version that was posted some time ago. It works
ok in every other place.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
 Rafael                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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