
If you are using EJB 2.0 then (according to the draft specs) it is up to
you to decide if dependent objects are deleted or not.

However, if you are using EJB 1.1 and are storing a Collection of things in
an Entity bean, then IMHO the container MUST delete the dependent objects
along with the entity.  I have reported this as bugzilla # 52. See that for
further details.


At 04:53 PM 9/26/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Having some problems while deleting a EJB. When i delete the ejb by 
>ejbobject.remove() method the dependent objects and relationship entries are 
>deleted from the database. Should this not be done automatically by the app 
>Is this a problem in Orion or is there some explicit delete that needs to be 
>done in the remove method implementation in the bean.
>Would appreciate any help on this.

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