I don't think it's wrong to call business methods from ejbRemove.  See
bugzilla bug #37.


At 12:53 PM 9/27/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Regarding the same cascade delete problem. I have a clearFields() method 
>which empties
>each of the collection holding relationships or dependent objects. If i call 
>this from
>the client the objects gets deleted properly.
>But if i call this inside the ejbRemove() ( call clearFields() then call 
>ejbStore()) this
>is not deleted in the database! 
>Is it wrong to call such methods from ejbRemove? 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Nick Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 9:13 AM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: Re: Cascade Delete
>If you are using EJB 2.0 then (according to the draft specs) it is up to
>you to decide if dependent objects are deleted or not.
>However, if you are using EJB 1.1 and are storing a Collection of things in
>an Entity bean, then IMHO the container MUST delete the dependent objects
>along with the entity.  I have reported this as bugzilla # 52. See that for
>further details.
>At 04:53 PM 9/26/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>Having some problems while deleting a EJB. When i delete the ejb by 
>>ejbobject.remove() method the dependent objects and relationship entries are 
>>deleted from the database. Should this not be done automatically by the app 
>>Is this a problem in Orion or is there some explicit delete that needs to be 
>>done in the remove method implementation in the bean.
>>Would appreciate any help on this.

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