
I had posted some questions about caching couple of days back. I hoped that
some of these questions were answered by the new documentation. I am still
missing answers to those questions. I request that some information is
provided for these.

1. Does Orion implement EJB object caching? If yes, I'll appreciate some
details on what has been implemented.

2. I want to find out specifically about CMP based EJB caching. When are
these beans cached and what evicts them from cache? I have implemented some
CMP EJBs and I see that anytime I want to access these beans, a database
call is made. To clarify, my client starts up and instantiates these beans
and then exits. When I restart the client, when it accesses the same beans
leads to database calls.

3. Some details about session beans caching will also be appreciated. Does
Orion allow that some number of session bean instances be pre-created? If
yes, how can this be specified?

4. I have been able to successfully deploy some CMP EJBs on Orion server.
issue is that I have to copy the orion-ejb-jar.xml file to the
application-deployments directory if I change this file. Is it possible to
include this file in the jar file for EJBs. I tried adding this file to
these directories in the jar file: META-INF, orion, META-INF\orion and it
didn't work.

I'll appreciate a response.


-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Avedal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 5:14 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: new documentation site

Hello Sanjay,

Absolutely, we're open to any suggestions to improving documentation, I'll
right into that, we have not used that certificate ourselves, that's why
been hard to say anything about it.

Karl Avedal

Sanjay wrote:

> Hi Karl,
> the new orion documentation site
> still doesnt say much about how to set up Global server certificates
> could that be incorporated as Weblogic have described in detail how to
> install all the different type of certificates
> thank you
> cheers
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mikko Kurki-Suonio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 11:14 AM
> Subject: Data type mapping
> > Hi,
> >
> >  How does Orion handle mapping java data types to database types?
> >
> >  Specifically, I'm having trouble mapping "long", with Solid and
> > InterBase. I've tried "decimal(20,0)" "binary(64)" and even just
> > as the corresponding database type, but neither database digests
> > these without hickups.
> >
> >  Deployment goes fine, but when you try to actually create an entity
> > a "long" member field, the database spews errors like
> >
> > SOLID Table Error 13039: Illegal assignment from type CHAR to type
> >
> > Invalid Conversion
> > Invalid Assignment
> >
> > etc.
> >
> >
> >
> >

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