RE: JUnit with Orion, source included[going off topic slightly]

A problem that JUnit does not handle particularly well is Web-App testing.
For any users of JUnit who want to test Servlet/JSP/etc output, have a look
at HttpUnit, and addon for JUnit that simulates web-requests to the server
and parses the results into a DOM tree that can be easily tested.

-Joe Walnes

> From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: den 28 september 2000 20:08
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: JUnit with Orion, source included
> I wrote an extension to JUnit for testing EJB/server-side code that I
> think others might find useful.  I've recently been bitten by
> the XP bug
> so this is the first thing I had to do :-)  Basically it's a servlet
> that will execute test cases and spit back the results as HTML.
> It includes a small Ant buildfile for anyone that is interested.
> You can find it at
> <>
> Enjoy :-)
> Jeff Schnitzer
> I apologize if anyone is receiving this twice.  It looks like the
> mailing list, including the archive, was sporadically losing
> traffic for
> a day or two.  The most recent message in the archive is dated three
> days ago.  Anyone know what's up?  I seem to be receiving traffic fine
> at the moment.

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