At 07:16 03.10.00 , you wrote:
>Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote:
> > I run Orion with 15 virtual hosts (don't know why 50 would be any
> > different).
> >
> > Use Orion exclusively, it's really only a little leap not really a big one.
> > There was a discussion a while back about what you needed in Apache, net
> > result: there's nothing that can't be done in Orion ;)

now, that is a very daring statement if you look at the wealth of existing 
apache modules. what you probably mean is "there's nothing that cannot be 
done with orion if you are ready to code a filter for that" and the I'd 
still say that you'll find things that are at least hard to do.


>I know that running SSL on multiple virtual-host sites works well with Apache.
>However, have you tried to do the same with Orion? By that, I don't mean one
>SSL certificate shared by multiple hosts - I mean multiple certificates, each
>of which is specific to a virtual host.
>I've tried for a long time to get that scenario to work, yet the best I can do
>is to have Orion recognize and share only one certificate among *all* of the
>virtual-hosts. That's not particularly useful.  I'm to the point of placing
>just the SSL pages of all the sites on Apache, and using Orion only for the
>non-SSL part of the virtual-host sites.
>I was told by someone that this was an https limitation and not an Orion
>limitation, but it works on Apache, JavaWebServer, and IIS just fine.

Are you talking name based or ip based vhosts? what magnus explained was 
that it was a problem with name based hosts sharing one ip address and 
port. for ip base hosts he gave you a solution. you're saying that it does 
work with name based hosts sharing ip and port with apache?


>Any suggestions or ideas?
>     -Dale

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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