Hi all

My Orion access_log files keep on getting stuck with the same time stamp
recorded. Our logs are supposed to turn over on a daily basis, but this
happen all the time. Here is an extract of the listing from my log

Sep 28 00:00 access_log_20000927
Sep 29 10:47 access_log_20000928
Oct  2 15:15 access_log_20000929
Oct  3 00:00 access_log_20001002
Oct  4 09:48 access_log_20001003
Oct  4 15:27 access_log_20001004

The access_log_20000927 turned over correctly and the server started
logging to
access_log_20000928, but the date got stuck on the log and 20000929 only
created the next day when I restarted Orion. The 20000929 got stuck on
29/Sep/2000:10:48:21 and logged every incoming item until the Orion restart
Monday as 29/Sep/2000:10:48:21 .

Orion recommended that I upgrade my version of Orion, which I have done.
problem appears to have gotten worse, where previously the logger only got
stuck every 6-7 days, now it gets stuck almost daily. Could someone shed
light on where the Orion server gets it's date from and possibly how to fix
problem. Here is the extract from my web-site.xml file :

<access-log path="/disk/logs/uk/access_log_"
                format='$ip $user $user [$time] "$request" $status $size
 "$referer" "$agent" [-]' split="day" suffix="yyyyMMdd" />

Please help.

  Warren van der Woude
  ZDNet UK

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