
I used the Orion Primer, and I didn't find it too helpful. While its
probably fine for those that have worked with EJB before, I didn't find it
extremely helpful in moving me closer to working with EJB. I do have an EJB
book from ORiely that I am reading..so that is helping me see how it all
works. There is still the issues of CMP, O/R and how all that works.

I will try what you said earlier, and see if that allows me to deploy them.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 6:45 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: EJB Help..
> For the deployment details, see the Orion primer - 
> http://www.jollem.com
> I generally move all classes from the WEB-INF/classes folder 
> into the ejb
> module (makes it more portable etc) - makes them more visible.
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
> Duffey, Kevin
> Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 9:45 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: EJB Help..
> Thanks for the note. One thing..since I compile all of my 
> classes into the
> www/WEB-INF/classes dir, should I put a META-INF in the 
> /classes dir, and
> just point the module to the WEB-INF/classes folder? Would that work?
> Not that I want you to tell me everything, ok..I do, but what 
> exactly do I
> need to get EJB deployed in that way? My first stab that I 
> want to do is
> create a login process. I would like to use statless session 
> beans, and also
> use an entity bean..using CMP. I created 3 classes, Login, 
> LoginBean and
> LoginHome. I have them in com.mycompany.ejb package. That compiles to
> www/WEB-INF/classes dir. So do I make application.xml like so:
> <module>/www/WEB-INF/classes</module>
> where the com folder starts? Or do I actually have to point 
> them directly to
> the .class files themselves? If the classes are compiled in a 
> package, I
> assume I need to point the ejb module setting to the root 
> package right?
> Furthermore, do I need that ejb.xml file in META-INF? If so, 
> what should it
> be set to if I am using an expanded dir? Lastly, how the heck 
> to I get the
> entity bean added..is that a forth class, or a whole set of 3 
> different
> classes, one being the entity bean, the other two being like 
> the home and
> remote objects? It seems kind of silly that I would need 6 
> classes to do the
> login process..3 for the session/logic stuff, and 3 for the 
> entity/database
> mapping.
> Thanks so much..I appreciate the help.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 3:39 PM
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Subject: RE: EJB Help..
> >
> >
> > Kevin,
> >
> > With any *ar file in Orion, you can use a directory instead.
> >
> > eg
> > <module>
> >     <ejb>./myejbs.jar</ejb>
> > </module>
> >
> > can just be
> >
> > <module>
> >     <ejb>./myejbs</ejb>
> > </module>
> >
> > where ./myejbs is a directory structure which has the same structure
> > (META-INF directories etc) as inside the myejbs.jar
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> > Duffey, Kevin
> > Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 5:37 AM
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Subject: EJB Help..
> >
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am trying my hand at EJB with Orion, and I am wondering if
> > there is any
> > way to avoid the hassle of always having to package the ejb
> > classes into a
> > .jar file, and so on. Is there any way at all to develop and
> > deploy ejbs
> > using an expanded dir structure, much like in the development
> > of a .war
> > file..where you have the whole www dir, WEB-INF, etc
> > expanded..but then jar
> > it up and rename it to .war for deployment? It seems rather
> > tedious on ejb
> > development every time a change is made, the whole thing has to be
> > repackaged and deployed. I know there are some tools, such as
> > JBuilder,
> > VisualCafe, etc that do this for you somewhat nicely..but
> > even those take a
> > little bit of time to do it. So, for the purposes of
> > development, where many
> > changes are happening on any regular basis, how can I quickly
> > develop and
> > test ejb, with Orion, or any app server for that matter. I 
> do want the
> > ability for the context.lookup() call to work. The reason
> > is..I have two
> > computers, networked. I want to develop the ejbs on one
> > computer, and have
> > my www stuff on the other hitting them over the network so
> > that i can get
> > some kind of feel of the performance. I have a 4-way 
> switch, so I can
> > develop www stuff, then switch over to the other computer and
> > do some ejb
> > stuff. I will run one instance of Orion on each computer.
> > However, I don't
> > mind also being able to run www and ejb stuff in the same on
> > instance on one
> > computer, as long as the lookup stuff is used the same way,
> > even though the
> > ejb's are running locally.
> >
> > Any pointers on how to set up Orion to do this, including the
> > application.xml <module> tag (how to point it to the right
> > place instead of
> > the ejb.jar file, for example so that the ejbs will get
> > picked up by the
> > server), web.xml, orion-web.xml, server.xml, etc..anything
> > that needs to be
> > done to get this to work.
> >
> > Thanks so much for any help.
> >
> >

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