Hey, there is nothing wrong with MS SQL Server and Win2K.  As someone
who is not a professional DBA and has no desire to become one (I like
building things, not maintaining tempermenal third-party software
systems), I find that SQL Server is by far the most pleasant of the big
relational databases (Oracle, Sybase, DB2, Informix) to work with.  The
GUI tools work well, and most tuning is done automagically.

The JDBC driver support is a bit of a problem, though.  Conventional
wisdom 'round here is that the JDBC-ODBC bridge is trouble and should be
avoided in a production environment.  It has native code and it will
lock up the JVM periodically under heavy load.  

Someone on this list suggested this type IV driver:

The most basic license is $250, limited to 20 connections, and "may not
be used with the Internet", whatever that means.  Dunno if this
restriction includes code running in an app server.

Here is my data source:


Make sure you put SQL Server in Mixed Authentication Mode.

And take a vacation already!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kimberley Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 6:16 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Ok. I feel dumb. Data Sources and MS SQL.
> Hiya,
> Feeling real stupid here. I'm examining data sources and 
> getting totally
> confused. Maybe I'm just burnt out. Haven't had a holiday in 
> five years.
> Sigh.
> Back to business. We're *forced* to use Microsoft SQL 7 and 
> Win2K. How do I
> set up the datasource xml file to handle this? I can't seem 
> to find anything
> on this in the email lists on in the docs. The only drivers I 
> have are the
> ODBC bridges (The invisible hidden MS one and the standard 
> Sun one) and I'm
> not paying for a Type IV driver at the outrageous prices I've 
> been presented
> with from BEA and the like. Has anyone done this before or 
> can point me in
> the right direction?
> A tired developer who's feeling very old and dim...
> Kimberley Scott
> Senior Web Developer
> Peakhour Pty Ltd
> http://smartoffice.com.au <<- just built. needs work. ASP/COM 
> Sigh. What can
> I say?
> http://peakhour.com.au <<- corporate site
> http://www.geocities.com/kimmie_scott <<-me

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