Please excuse the typo! "application-server dependant" should read
"application-server independant" !!!
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bernard
Sent: 26 October 2000 2:38 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Auto-generated Primary Keys
I am need to find out if it is possible for an CMP Entity Bean to be created
without the primary key value actually being specified by the client that is
creating the entity.
I am aware of typical Database vendors such as Oracle and SQL Server that
provide the ability to create a table with a primary key that is
automatically created by the database when a record is inserted. Is there
something similar in the EJB specification that allows the creation of a CMP
Entity Bean by a client, *WITHOUT* the need for the client to specify the
actual value of the primary key?
I am aware of the utility in Orion
(, that generates
unique identifiers for beans, but I am required to develop my application
that is application-server dependant.
All help on this item would be GREATLY appreciated.
Bernard Gaughran / Development Team Leader / e: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dublin / New York /
Ph: + 353 1 218 7600 Fax: + 353 1 283 9820
Nua Ltd - Profit from Knowledge