Is there any specific 'type' of certificate you requested from Verisign?
We are in desperate need to get 128 bit running on our production site, but
so far, I have only gotten the 40 bit test cert from thawte to work
correctly.  I could not get keytool to successfully import the test cert
that verisign gives.  Any help would be appreciated.

James Birchfield

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|        |          10/26/00 02:08 PM         |
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  |       Subject:     Re: Obtaining an SSL Certificate                                

I have it working with netscape 128bit from Verisign, -->BUT<-- make sure
that you have the US version of the JSSE that supports 128bit encryption
(you have to go and download this).


On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Paul Knepper wrote:

> Hi,
> I've successfully installed a 40-bit Versign Cert.  There was no 128-bit
> "Javasoft" Cert available from Verisign.
> Does anyone know of a 128-bit Cert that works with Orion.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> ------------------------------------------------
> Re: Obtaining an SSL Certificate
> From: Dale Bronk
> Subject: Re: Obtaining an SSL Certificate
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 05:03:39 -0700
> Did you get a 40-bit or 128-bit cert?  Orion informed me we can use
> if we get the domestic JSSE from Sun.
> Dale
> ------------------------------------------------

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