Title: MYSQL, Orion, EJB and transactions ??
You could always use Interbase which now is opensource..
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 10:41 AM
Subject: MYSQL, Orion, EJB and transactions ??

Hi there,

I know that the question has been discussed here before, but I'm still a little confused about using
MYSQL together with Orion.
I've just downloaded mysql (version 3.23.22 beta) and the manual announces that mysql is now supporting transactions.
If I understood it correctly, that would mean, that it should be possible to use mysql with entity beans. Am I right ??
What's confusing to me is the fact, that I only find news in mailing-list, that mysql is not supporting transactions.

So I don't really now, if I can use mysql for entity beans.
If not, which database would you suggest ??
It should work on NT and not be the most expensive one as I use it 'only' for writing my Master's Thesis.

Thanks in advance,


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