As soon as I get Interbase working with Orion using CMP and entity beans, I
will post what I have done to get it to work, including a Schema I just
found. That should help those interested in this database. Overall its a
pretty rock-solid database. I am waiting for InterClient 2.0, which should
provide the Dialect 3 stuff we are waiting for..but other than that, its a
tiny footprint and does just about everything the big boys do...all for

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Rowland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 12:35 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: Anyone using Interbase in production?
> I used Interbase about four years ago in a production 
> environment.  It used
> to be a commercial product distributed by Inprise(Borland at the time)
> before they open sourced it.  It is a very good relational 
> database product.
> It has most of the features you would expect from a 
> commercial product.
> The only negative that I have against Interbase, is it's lack 
> of clustering
> support.  It has what they refer to as a shadow that should 
> the machine go
> down, you can get a second server up and running right away.
> It has a JDBC driver called InterClient.  I have had success with this
> driver except for one quirk.  Everynight at midnight, the InterClient
> service would error and stop receiving requests.  they might 
> have fixed this
> problem with their latest version.
> I don't have any info on online back ups.
> My experience has been with the Windows NT environment.  
> Interbase has been
> cross platform for many years though.  Another thing to 
> consider in the
> Linux environment, is a journaling file system such as 
> ReiserFS.  I am not
> sure what would happen to your database file if the power 
> suddenly went out
> or the computer shut down unexpectedly while the database was 
> writing to the
> file.
> -Jason
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Archer
> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 11:26 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Cc: Jonas Larsson
> Subject: Anyone using Interbase in production?
> Does anyone here have any experience with Interbase in a production
> environment? We are trying to decide which database to deploy in
> production. Since we are a very low budget operation, we are 
> looking at
> Open Source, but somehow missed this one.
> Our most important requirements are stability, transaction 
> support, a solid
> JDBC driver (for use with an EJB server) and online backup capability.
> Any experiences people can offer would be appreciated, especially in a
> Linux environment.
> Thanks!
> Jim
> --On Friday, October 27, 2000 11:46 AM +0200 Jonas Larsson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > You could always use Interbase which now is opensource..
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Laufer, Michael
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 10:41 AM
> > Subject: MYSQL, Orion, EJB and transactions ??
> >
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I know that the question has been discussed here before, 
> but I'm still a
> > little confused about using  MYSQL together with Orion.
> > I've just downloaded mysql (version 3.23.22 beta) and the manual
> > announces that mysql is now supporting transactions.  If I 
> understood it
> > correctly, that would mean, that it should be possible to 
> use mysql with
> > entity beans. Am I right ??  What's confusing to me is the 
> fact, that I
> > only find news in mailing-list, that mysql is not supporting
> > transactions.
> >
> > So I don't really now, if I can use mysql for entity beans.
> > If not, which database would you suggest ??
> > It should work on NT and not be the most expensive one as I 
> use it 'only'
> > for writing my Master's Thesis.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Michel
> >

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