Hi Urey -
Here is what Sun says about your immediate problem.....
Workaround #1:
If you are only interested in the English version of the Petstore
then please use following steps.  Please note this option will not allow
you to view the Japanese version of the Petstore.

1. change directory to
2. open the file named "requestmappings.xml".
3. delete the following line:

   <screen-definition url="/xml/ja/screendefinitions.xml" language="ja_JP"/>

4. save the file with the line now deleted.
5. build and deploy the petstore.ear

There are a number of other issues associated with this particular release of the pet 

You aren't finished yet!

Go to the main source directory - on my machine it is c:\jps1.1\src\petstore\src\
and open estore-ejb.xml:

Find the line securityAdapterClassName and replace the value for the j2ee security 


The whole entry should look like this:



Do the above in the ..src/docroot/WEB-INF/web.xml (i.e. replace the j2eesecurity 
w/ OrionSecurityAdapter.

Also in that same file look for the lines that look like:

and replace the page names as follows:


build the application and deploy the new ear file.....


The old estore-orionadapter.jar file will no longer work with the petstore (works only 
version 1.0.x). Do this:

1.) Extract all of the files from the estore-orionadapter.jar and open
2.) Replace:
import com.sun.estore.account.ejb.DuplicateAccountException;
import java.security.*;

public class OrionSecurityAdapter implements com.sun.estore.util.SecurityAdapter
import com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.petstore.control.DuplicateAccountException;
import java.security.*;

public class OrionSecurityAdapter implements 
and then compile this file - then jar it up into the customerEjb.jar file that is 
created when you
deploy the application: for instance in the directory
orion\applications\petstore -

I probably missed a step or so - but these are at least most of the major issues.

Have fun!

Ray Harrison
Senior Managing Partner
TSG Interntational, LLC
Denver, CO

--- ureyurey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,ALL
> I am hardly installed the petStore into Orion, But When I run it at
> url:"http://localhost:8080/petstore/control/language? language=English"
> Then got errors of that,
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at
> com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.petstore.control.web.ScreenFlowXmlDAO.get
> ScreenDefinitions(ScreenFlowXmlDAO.java:131)
> at
> com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.petstore.control.web.ScreenFlowXmlDAO.loa
> dScreenDefinitionMappings(ScreenFlowXmlDAO.java:106)
> at
> com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.petstore.control.web.ScreenFlowManager.in 
> at
> com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.petstore.control.web.MainServlet.getScree
> nFlowManager(MainServlet.java:96)
> at
> com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.petstore.control.web.MainServlet.init (MainServlet.java:37)
> at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init
> (GenericServlet.java)
> at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.wt(JAX)
> at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.wb(JAX)
> at com.evermind.server.http.e9.um(JAX)
> at com.evermind.server.http.ef.su(JAX)
> at com.evermind.server.http.ef.dn(JAX)
> at com.evermind.util.f.run(JAX)
> Who can tell me,
> How to do it? and why?
> Thanks a lot
> yoursUrey
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