
for what it's worth...

Sounds like it's time for a strategic career move. Stick with J2EE. I've been
where you are, and left.

Just my 2c.
I can't imagine going back to com/asp/m$.

Good luck.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kimberley
> Scott
> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 8:41 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Erm.. To clarify the need for four environments...
> Hiya,
> Thanks to the replies. Ta Christophe and Robert! There seems to be some
> confusion as to why there are four environments in my last post regarding
> the datasources. To short-circuit any more "Why the hell are you doing it
> that way?" questions, I will provide a little bit of background.
> I have a desktop (Obvious really). So do the suits who work in my section
> (Again obvious). My group is but one of many groups. Our DEV environment is
> mine, all mine. Heh heh. The test environment is exactly that. A place where
> our section deploys just our stuff for testing. Then there's staging. That's
> where my section deploys and a whole bunch of other sections deploy their
> stuff for testing to make sure there are no interdependency issues. Then we
> have production (what the punters see). Luckily our section have our own
> private servers there, so interdependencies don't occur. The rest of the
> company uses COM/COM+/VB/ASP etc which is why they need to test those
> things. And I'm trying to convince my suits to go J2EE. But I'm stuck with
> an ASP/VB/COM site at present.
> My suits need to get valid info from the production environment. Then they
> like to test new ideas and what not on Dev. Then on Test. Then on Stage. So
> they want 1 (one) interface that allows them to try stuff out on each of the
> environments. So I thought it would be a nice idea if they could use my
> "JAdmin" environment on my desktop to allow them to view pages that allow
> them to view tables from each of the servers. For example a single page with
> "top 10 products by region" for each environment. This implies a single page
> that can access each of the environments databases, get the data from the
> "product" table from each and format it. It just seemed a tad weird to have
> to use seperate apps to access each environment just because the datasource
> was different.
> I had originally assumed that it would be possible to have a page use a
> session bean that accesses entity beans that get that data from each of the
> environments. I had not considered that this would be a problem. I was
> wrong. I had originally done the page using a servlet and simply accessed
> the data via a plain-old-bean that had a "setDatasource()" method and a
> "loadStatistics()" method. So the servlet could set the datasource of the
> bean to PROD, load the stats, set it to STAGE, load the stats, and so on.
> So thanks to everybody who replied. I need to do more reading. **Rant mode
> on** Unfortunately I'm in a bind. Moan moan whinge whinge. I get Monday
> morning to work on this. Then its back to ASP/COM/COM+/VB/M$Crap Monday
> afternoon and Tuesday to fix bugs in production, Wednesday to implement all
> the new whizz-bang features for the suits, Thursday to deploy to test and
> stage for the testers to break and Friday frantic fixes and deploy to
> production. Thus I only get a couple of hours each Monday, my evenings (like
> tonight) and the weekend to read. I've been in this industry for 25years.
> Sheesh. It never changes. **Rant mode off**
> Kimberley Scott
> Senior Web Developer
> Peakhour Pty Ltd
> <<- just built. needs work.
> <<- corporate site
> <<-me

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