checkout my mail from earlier today regarding datasource aliases. that 
makes things a little easier (i.e. only one change in the deployment of the 
app instead of several in all the entity beans and other resource-ref 



At 08:07 31.10.00 , you wrote:
>I've put together a how-to on running the same J2EE application, but with
>each instance using a different data source, using Orion. It would be nice
>if there was a simpler way to do this (particularly in associating data
>sources with applications, which causes the bulk of the work).
>If the folks are listening, you have my permission to add
>this to your site (just be sure to give credit where due).
>Kurt in Atlanta

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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