See enclosed mail

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christian Sell
> Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 5:04 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: accessing javamail provider
> Hello,
> I've posted this before on orion-interest:
> I am using JavaMail to access a pop3 mailbox. No matter where I place the
> pop3.jar file (from sun, or poppers.jar) in the system, I always get a
> NoSuchProviderException saying thath no pop3 provider was 
> available. I have
> tried the following locations for the pop3.jar:
> <orion-install>,
> <orion-install>/lib
> WEB-INF/lib
> any other path referenced through <library path=> in orion-application.xml
> The problem happens even though I am able to load classes from the jar via
> Class.forName().
> To verify this problem further, I deployed the same application 
> on JRun 3.0.
> With JRun, I have to place the jar file in <jrun-install>/lib/ext 
> (actually
> thats where the one that comes with JRun is located), and everything works
> fine.
> thanks,
> Christian Sell

I had the same problem with ldap.jar & providerutil.jar (providers for

The problem is that due to the way Orion does its classloading mail.jar
are loaded by an Orion classloader (via the manifest in the orion.jar) at a
level than the classloader that handles orion/lib.  The ways you can fix
this (which
are both kind of hacks IMO) are to put pop3.jar in your jre/lib/ext
directory, or run
orion as "java -classpath orion.jar:pop3.jar;etc

To make this a little simpler I have written a shell script to include all
jars in
my own "lib" dir, all orion jars, etc into a CLASSPATH var, and then run
as above - so, you can start/stop orion w/  "orion start", "orion stop",
"orion run",
etc.   If there is any interest I could send this script out...

I think the problem is really with Orion including some of the J2EE jars as
in the orion.jar manifest.  It's a nice idea, but based on the above problem
it would
be easier just NOT to include them.

So, to the Orion developers out there, please:

1) don't bother to include mail.jar/jndi.jar/etc (or put them in orion/lib
instead of the
orion.jar manifest)
2) fix Orion classloading to work with the provider mechanisms of JavaMail
and JNDI
3) get Sun to change the provider mechanism to use different
classlaoders/etc is
not very likely...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Terence Kwan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2000 5:36 PM
Subject: where to put pop3.jar

> I am trying to use java mail API and pop3.jar provider. Where should I put
the pop3.jar file? I try to put it in: orion directory and orion/lib
directory. However, none of them work. It keeps saying:
> error:javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: No provider for pop3
> I think the problem is that the Java Beam Activation Framework cannot find
the pop3.jar file.
> Where should I put the pop3.jar in order for the orion server to find it?
> Thanks
> TK

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