Hello Jason,

Interesting, we will look at that test suite to see what the results are. If a
very large number of tests fail, it might be because there is a bug that
triggers failure in more than one case which leads to a great number of
failures, but I can't tell for sure until I've run the tests.

JMS hasn't been the main focus for Orion but with J2EE 1.3 and EJB 2.0, JMS is
becoming more important so we will obviously make sure we have a great JMS
implementation (in J2EE 1.2, JMS was optional and not very tightly integrated).

Karl Avedal

Jason Rimmer wrote:

>     JMSTest++ is a JMS v1.0.2 compliance test suite written by Fiorano
> (http://www.fiorano.com) which publishes a competing JMS implementation.  I
> performed the compliance tests on a machine with the following
> specifications:
> o Dell Intel Pentium 3 - 600 Mhz with 128Mb memory
> o Windows 200 SP1
> o Orion v1.4.0
> o Javasoft's JDK v1.3 (running in mixed mode)
>     The compliance suite consists of ~800 tests which includes the breadth
> of functionality detailed in the JMS v1.0.2 specification..
>     There is a caveat in that Orion's JMS implementation is only claimed to
> be JMS v1.0 compliant while the JMSTest++ tests are to determine JMS v1.0.2
> compliance.  This isn't a large issue as the difference between the spec's
> are small and therefore only cover a small percentage of the tests.
>     This message was going to contain details of all the tests, their
> results, and commentary.  Unfortunately, Orion's JMS implementation was
> unable to pass anything more than the rudimentary tests.  The most common
> test result was a hang, though a functionality failure was right behind.
>     I spent some time looking over much of the JMSTest++ source and while I
> can't claim every test is 100% legitimate, it largely appears reasonable.
> The test suite is in active internal use at not only Fiorano, but also Bea,
> and Progress (home of SonicMQ).
>     Considering my results I believe it's false to claim that Orion supports
> JMS v1.0, let alone v1.0.2.  The bottom line is that I would not depend on
> Orion's JMS implementation for anything: educational tool, toy, or
> production application.
>     I don't plan to take up the testing again unless Evermind makes major
> JMS updates or the list membership considers specific results to be
> valuable.
> --
> Jason Rimmer

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