This is my second post for this question.  Are most
users of Orion only using the default-web-app 
site to deploy their applications?  It seems like it
should be a simple thing to add another site.

Can someone explain to me (clearly) how to add another
site to Orion?  I have been successful in deploying
EJBs and JSPs to the default-web-app location.  But I
can not figure out how to create another site.  I have
read all the earlier posting on how to do it but I
continue to get the error:

Error initializing site TestSite: No application named
'TestSite' found in the server

The steps if followed were:
1) Copied the default-web-site.xml file to
2) Edited TestSite.xml  Set the element
default-web-app to application="TestSite"
name="TestSite".  Set the element web-app to
application="TestSite" name="TestSite"
3) Added the line <web-site path="./TestSite.xml" />
to server.xml
4) Added <web-app application="TestSite"
name="TestSite" root="/TestSite" /> to

I someone is can point out my error I would appreciate
it.  Also if someone does post an example (PLEASE!) be
consistent with file names and site / application

The site I am trying to add only contains HTML and
JSP.  There are no EJBs.

Thanks in advance.

Tom D.

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