I've just moved a bit closer to a solution. I found in the docs that I can
specify (as a command line argumnet "which" xml parser to use:

java -Dxml.parser=xerces -jar orion.jar -validateXML


java -Dxml.parser=javax.xml -jar orion.jar -validateXML

Upon using the xerces parser, I got a new error message:

Error loading package at
file:/C:/@web/ClassNotes/EjbJmsJndi/@StudentEjbApp/, Error parsing META-INF
/ejb-jar.xml in C:\@web\ClassNotes\EjbJmsJndi\@StudentEjbApp: Fatal error at
line 912 offset 1: A ') ' is required in the declaration of element type
Warning at line 1: Valid documents must have a <!DOCTYPE declaration.
Fatal error at line 1: Document root element is missing.

I see the word "role-source", which is no where to be found in the ejb-jar
1.1 DTD but IS in the 2.0 DTD. Thus, it is validating against the 2.0 DTD in
spite of the fact that my ejb-jar.xml contains a 1.1 DOCTYPE declaration at
the top:

<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise
JavaBeans 1.1//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd">

So my new question is, how do I tell Orion to use the 1.1 DTD instead of 2.0
DTD to validate my ejb-jar.xml? Since this is a new question, I'll post it
under a different heading also.

Dave Ford
Smart Soft - The Java Training Company

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