I have noticed some errors when shutting down Orion under Sun's 1.3 JVM on 
Solaris. I get the following error:

Error: com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Disconnected: Server 

However, the server processes do go away.  This doesn't look like a fatal 
error (or even an error for that matter - dunno why it's tagged as such), 
but I get it.  Other than that, though, Orion shuts down and the processes 

At 09:02 AM 11/08/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Although I can shutdown orion using the admin.jar with a 1.2 JVM, I've
>found that I cannot with a 1.3 JVM.  The server ceases to accept
>connections, but its process does not go away.  (Running on
>Redhat/Debian Linux)
>Anyone else noticed this?

Andrew Kidder
L3 SW/Support Engineer, IBU
Tivoli Systems


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