>I faced this problem on Solaris (jdk1.3) and "force" method does not work
>either. java -jar admin.jar ... -shutdown force just hangs...

I have had no problem with shutting down Orion 1.3.8 nor Orion 1.4.3 under Solaris 8 
with JDK 1.3.0.  As a nonroot id "orion" (I have changed the default port in 
config/default-web-site.xml to be above 1024) I set the following:

   setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/j2se
   setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/j2se/jre/lib/sparc/server:/usr/j2se/jre/lib/sparc

and use the following command to start Orion (while logged in as "orion" from Orion's 
install directory (referred to as [ORION_HOME])):

   /usr/j2se/bin/java -server -Xms8m -Xmx48m -jar orion.jar &

I use the following command to stop Orion (while logged in as "orion" from 

  /usr/j2se/bin/java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin mypassword -shutdown

While setting up Orion, I copied the file /usr/j2se/lib/tools.jar to [ORION_HOME].  I 
also reset the default password with the command (use chmod to allow only "orion" to 
read the clear text password file):

   /usr/j2se/bin/java -jar orion.jar -install
   chmod 600 iconfig/principals.xml

Note: JDK 1.2.2_06 runs Orion faster than 1.3.0 under Solaris 8.

Now if I can just get servlet-chaining to work......

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