perhaps you should try to load the WebLogic classes with your bootstrap
classpath(we have to do this for our encryption packages).
try somehing like
     java -Xbootclasspath/p:lib\some.jar -jar orion.jar

James Birchfield

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|        |          "Seth Ladd"               |
|        |          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          |
|        |          Sent by:                  |
|        |          owner-orion-interest@orion|
|        |                |
|        |                                    |
|        |                                    |
|        |          11/13/00 04:34 PM         |
|        |          Please respond to         |
|        |          Orion-Interest            |
|        |                                    |
  |       To:     Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                      
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:     Orion + Weblogic via JNDI?                                      


For reasons beyond my control, I have to use WebLogic as my EJB container.
My EJB clients live in Orion.  I am trying to get the EJB clients to lookup
the EJBs (over on WebLogic) via JNDI.  I believe I have constructed the
IntialContext correctly, but I keep running into classpath issues.

My initialcontext looks like this:

Properties p = new Properties();
p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:7001");
return new InitialContext(p);

When I run this, I always get:

javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class:
weblogic.jndi.T3InitialContextFactory.  Root exception is
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: weblogic.jndi.T3InitialContextFactory

Yet I am positive that I have weblogic.jndi.T3InitialContextFactory in my
classpath.  In fact, I have specified it on the command line, and in my
environment.  Both of those don't seem to make any difference.

Is Orion taking over the InitialContext?  What am I not understanding here?
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks very much,

Seth Ladd | Software Engineer, Product Development
Brivo Systems, Inc.

Confidential and Proprietary, Brivo Systems, Inc.

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