At 01:58 PM 11/13/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>>>THE SETUP (in $ORION_HOME/config, on host "orionhost")
>>>1. I have a web-site.xml file for each of the two sites that I want to 
>>>run under Orion (cs2k-web-site.xml and twsm-web-site.xml). Each file 
>>>contains a line like this (sub "cs2k" in for "twsm" for cs2k-web-site.xml):
>>>     <default-web-app application="twsm" name="twsm-web" shared="true" 
>>> root="/twsm" />
>this doesn't make sense. the default-web-app of a site is always mounted 
>to "/". what you want is probably one web-site.xml that reads
><default-web-app application="whatever" name="whatever" root="/" />
><web-app application="twsm" name="twsm-web" root="/twsm" />
><web-app application="cs2k" name="cs2k-web" root="/cs2k" />

I have 3 separate web-site files:  default-web-site.xml, cs2k-web-site.xml, 
and twsm-web-site.xml.  I removed the <default-web-app> tag from the cs2k 
and twsm files, and I got an error when Orion tried to re-deploy that said 
that there was no default website defined for either application.  I added 
the <default-web-app> tag back in, but this time did not add the "root" 
attribute.  The apps deployed correctly, but the problem is still not 
resolved.  I also went so far as to add <context-root> tags to each site's 
META-INF/application.xml, and those did no good either.

I have included the relevant config files in a small zip attached to this 
note.  You can see what I've done, and hopefully where I've munged up the 
works.  The only file that I have modified but not included here is each 
site's respective application.xml file, and the only mods that I have done 
to either is to add the following lines:


(sub "cs2k" for "twsm" and you have the mods to the cs2k application.xml.)

The context-root does nothing, in my tests.  I may as well not have it defined.


Andrew Kidder
L3 SW/Support Engineer, IBU
Tivoli Systems


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