Hi all,

I am attempting (again) deploying EJB. While I think I have the pricipals
down, (still trying to figure out JNDI properties..what they are for), I am
confused about one thing. I have an application named ss. In Orion I have
set the path to c:\ss. There is the META-INF dir, which I have
application.xml in..that points has <module> <ejb>ss.jar</ejb> </module>. It
also has my web module in it that points to www (from ss..so ss/www). I
compile my ejb (a simple login ejb) which seems to be ok. In the ss.jar, I
have the META-INF dir with ejb-jar.xml in it accessing my
com.ss.ejb.login.LoginXXX classes. These are Stateless session classes. I
also have in the ejb-jar.xml file the
com/ss/ejb/login/LoginSessionEJB.class, and so on. So when I start up Orion,
it shows its deploying the EJB, however..it says it can't find class
core/login/Login.class. Now..in my package, I have ss.core, ss.ejb, and
ss.ui. ss.core.login.Login is a "bean" that I will use in both the EJB
entity class, and my UI javabean class. I don't know if this is the wrong
way to do it, but I figure..why put the same getter/setter methods twice (in
both the UI javabean class that gets/sets the JSP page form info, and the
EJB class that loads/stores the same info). I am not too familiar with EJB
just yet, but I see no reason why this wouldn't work. In my entity bean, I
would somehow reference the core.login.Login class, and use that reference
to load/store the entity. Can that even be done? Or is the only way to get
entity beans via CMP to work is directly have the methods in the entity? I
would think if my methods that are used to load/store the entity use the
reference to get/set the fields of the reference Login, this should be ok.

At any rate..my main question here is, the EJB class in the jar file is
referencing the core class. I don't have the core package in the jar file. I
thought if I deployed the jar file into the same web-app as the other
classes were in, it would have access to these classes. I compile classes to
WEB-INF/classes. Is this not the case? Is there some trickery to getting EJB
classes to see the WEB-INF/classes?

Thanks for any help.

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