Hey Salaman!

Hmm..that makes sense except for one thing..using a DataSource should be
vendor independent shouldn't it? Or is that a vendor specific setting? I
thought J2EE was all about making a complete app including database free
ties, so you can deploy into any app server. If thats the case, then my
application.xml and web.xml descriptors should be the only things needed.
However, setting the datasource seems to be server specific at this point. I
think J2EE has to mature a bit more before true vendor independent apps can
be built. None the less, in server.xml, it uses application.xml (all in
config folder). In application.xml it uses data-sources.xml. The ONLY
data-source I have listed is the one for Interbase. I don't have anything
related to HyperSonic any longer..I deleted it out of the file. So, I take
it what your saying is that I have to actually change a setting in an
auto-created config file? I don't quite get why any file that Orion
generates at deployment time (if they don't exist), needs to be edited. If I
delete that file and Orion auto-creates it, I have to edit it again. Is
there any "standard" way to this?

> Hi Buck:
> Orion picks the first datasource in the data-sources.xml file, unless you
> tell it explicitly which data-source to use in
> META-INF/orion-application.xml ..... either make your datasource be the
> first one the file, or read the docs for
> (META-INF/orion-application.xml) so
> you can configure the default datasource to be used by your application...
> An alternate solution is to create "private" data-sources.xml inside your
> EAR... :)
> gotta go to bed!
> sl8.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Duffey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 4:28 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Can't find DataSource in ejb-jar.xml file???
> Hello all,
> What the heck does it mean when I deploy an EJB .jar file and it says:
> Auto-deploying ss.jar (ejb-jar.xml had been touched since the previous
> deployment)... Error compiling file:/C:/ss/ss.jar: No DataSource found at
> jdbc/HypersonicDS
> My datasource is an Interbase one and I have it set up for that. In
> orion/config/data-sources.xml that is where I have the Interbase stuff
> mapped. In /confid/application.xml it points to data-sources.xml.
> So I fail
> to see why it is telling me something about HypersonicDS when I have no
> mention of it anywhere. If I delete data-sources.xml, orion wont start. So
> it must be reading it in. Is Hypersonic being hard-coded into Orion as a
> default? Even so..if its reading in mine it should be working.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks.

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