On Today, Nick Newman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I find what's in an entity bean's java:comp/env namespace?
> If I ask the InitialContext for a list of what is in it (using 
> initialcontext.list("") ) I get a list of things (mainly home interfaces) 
> plus entries for "java:comp" and "ejb" which are both Contexts.
> If I ask for what's in "java:comp" I get a few strange entries, but NOT one 
> for "env", which is the one I would have expected.
> If I ask for what's in "java:comp/env" I get nothing back (empty context).

Just wanted to report that I've had exactly the same experience,
assumed I must be doing something wrong given my slight experience
with JNDI.

I sure hope someone knows the answer!


> However, lookups for entries named java:comp/env/foo succeed where they should.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Nick

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