(And I preface this with 'as I understand it')

First, it's the app server's context, not the bean's.  What parts of it you
get to see are determined by the principal/credential pair (and the roles
they connect you to, as defined on the app server) that you pass to the
context factory when you ask for the initial context.

Why you don't see what you expect in the context is another matter.  May I
recommend an open-source tool I wrote
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/ejbvoyager).   It will allow you to browse
your app server's context tree.

What I suspect is happening is that you are calling Context.lookup() or
.listBindings() with bad path values.  Try passing both absolute and
relative JNDI paths and see what happens.  Correlate this with the
.isRelative() values for the bindings you examine.

 ----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 2:55 PM
Subject: Traversing JNDI namespace

> Hi,
> How can I find what's in an entity bean's java:comp/env namespace?
> If I ask the InitialContext for a list of what is in it (using
> initialcontext.list("") ) I get a list of things (mainly home interfaces)
> plus entries for "java:comp" and "ejb" which are both Contexts.
> If I ask for what's in "java:comp" I get a few strange entries, but NOT
> for "env", which is the one I would have expected.
> If I ask for what's in "java:comp/env" I get nothing back (empty context).
> However, lookups for entries named java:comp/env/foo succeed where they
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Nick

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