
I thought it was time for some explanation on our silence.

Alot of things are happening structually right now to the company. The biggest
news is probably that the company is no longer Evermind, but is now called
Ironflare AB, which is a new limited corporation. The owners are the same so it
is not a takeover or anything like that, but the new company form will enable
us to expand faster than the old company. We will announce this officially
within a few weeks.

This will lead to a few things:

1. The company will become more visible, with a company website and information
and not just a product website with product information.

2. The resources of the company will increase. The problem lately has been that
non-development takes more and more time as we get more customers. As other
resources get available that do more of the business, the core team will be
able to focus more on development and bug-fixing.

3. There might still be some time of confusion left. The company structure is
not the only change we're going through. The expansion is just starting and as
it goes on, resources will initially be spent more on building the organization
and hiring the right people than would be necessary if we didn't make the
expansion. Without the expansion we would however be lost eventually as we
would hit a brick wall without the necessary resources.

I will try to keep you posted on these developments and I want to reassure you
that we are not gone, but quite the opposite, we are making a move to become
more aggressive in the future, but it has made us less visible for some time
and has hurt the product development and release cycle, and it is likely to do
so from time to time as we go ahead. A new release with a few fixes shouldn't
be far away now though.

Karl Avedal

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