Hi Karl,Robert,All,

I am in the same boat these days. I have been talking highly of Orion, but
alot of bugs, little documentation and less support these days are taking a
toll. Worse..I was able to install and setup WebLogic 6 beta in less than
one hour..including full Web-app deployment of my app that runs on Orion. It
appears WebLogic is finally getting it right, and with their large market
share and vast resources, it seems, at least for the time being, that
despite their outrageous prices, we will have to go with them. Small
companies with little money will definitely benefit from Orion, but
companies with money and a timeline I think will have a hard time waiting
for Orion..at least until they get the organization in order and start
producing again, along with support, better docs, and so on.

Im still a strong supporter for Orion..and will continue to use the product,
but I don't know if I can recommend it until I see more commitment that they
will indeed be producing builds, adding support, and so on.

For what its worth..I have faith in the Orion team to do this..but my
superiors don't..so I don't have much choice.

> Hi Karl,
> good to see you're still alive ;-).
> <snip/>
> >I will try to keep you posted on these developments and I want
> to reassure you
> >that we are not gone, but quite the opposite, we are making a
> move to become
> >more aggressive in the future, but it has made us less visible
> for some time
> >and has hurt the product development and release cycle, and it
> is likely to do
> >so from time to time as we go ahead. A new release with a few
> fixes shouldn't
> >be far away now though.
> can we read this as a committment to fixing bugs in available features
> before adding new features (like finalizing EJB2.0 and servlet 2.3
> support)? I don't know about others but we are currently facing a rather
> tough time with the number of outstanding issues regarding stability and
> robustness. If you're admitting that development resources will be short
> for some time to come, then I think/hope that this is the only way to go,
> if you're serious about supporting your current userbase. I'm
> sorry that I
> have to say it this way but anyone in the business knows how hard
> it is to
> convince people to use an underdog product and I've been taking punches
> from customers for a while now.
> Regards,
> Robert
> >Regards,
> >Karl Avedal
> >
> (-) Robert Krüger
> (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
> (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
> (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373
> (-) [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.signal7.de

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