Please help!  Somebody must be using JMS from a client application
running on a machine different than the server.  How do I configure a
client to use JMS.  Say, the EJB Server runs on machine A.  The client
runs on machine B.  How does the client on machine B know the location
of JMS (which should be machine A)?  The client always tries to connect
to a JMS server on localhost.  The only place where, I think, a hostname
can be provided is in jms.xml.  But that's a part of Orion configuration
files.  How do I configure the client?  I tried copying jms.xml (in a
desperate attempt) into the same location as
orion-application-client.xml but that didn't work.

Please, if anyone knows the answer, help me!  This is a big problem for
me right now.


PS.  If possible, please also cc me directly.  It sometimes takes a
while for the list to distribute the postings and I'm really stuck!

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