Hey all,
        I'm wondering a few things.. when you guys write your taglibs, how do you
guys generate nice-looking exceptions to be caught by error pages? (Like
FinderException, for example).  Right now, it seems to me that it's
necessary to either write my own JspTagException to accomodate another
exception inside it to be passed around, or to have my exceptions extend
RuntimeException, which are both less than favorable imho. I desire to be
able to throw exceptions from my taglib like I would throw them anywhere
else, either from a session/entity, in an effort to facilitate propery
error-handling thru the web-app error pages.
        My second question is a JSP design question.  Using <ejb:iterate>,
sometimes I list many entities, and I'd like to be able to batch delete
them, using checkboxes.  I'm interested in how an experienced designer would
implement the request parameter processing to accomplish this.
        3rd question.  I'm looking to use the HTTP_REFERER header information to
forward a page back where it came from.  For example, I have an addUser.jsp
that my default.jsp posts to.  I'd like addUser.jsp to redirect back to
default.jsp because that's where it came from.  However, if anotherPage.jsp
posts to addUser.jsp, I'd like addUser.jsp to redirect back to
anotherPage.jsp.  Thanx for your time guys!


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