
we do stress tests using webLoad (http://www.radview.com) on our full j2ee
application with orionserver on a full NT 100Mbits nerwork.

our current configuration is:
   - Web Server:orion1.3.8+jdk1.3(or jrockit) on a PIII 700MHz - 512 Mo RAM
         and all ejb call are remote call to following ejb server.
   - Ejb Server: orion1.3.8+jdk1.3(or jrockit) on a PIII 500MHz - 256 Mo RAM
   - database: oracle8i ...

at arround 250 simultaneous users, the web server falls and the only
solution was to kill orion process on the web server !

  - is there any limitations on the number of simultaneous users on orion
servlet engine ?
  - is there some recommended parameters to set on the web server ?
  - other ideas... ???

thank's for any help,

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