I've been trying to get started with some O/R stuff
with orion, and have gone thru the orion-cmp primer,
and the complex-or example. A few problems, is that
the orion-cmp primer is very simplistic, and the
complex-or example (from orionsupport, which is
currently down) does not have any examples, or docs on
how to create and use a client application to exercise
the ejb cmp entities. Does anyone have any
code/examples or info on this?

I like the layout of the complex-or example more so
than the orion-cmp primer, because it is not required
to jar it up, and classes can just be recompiled, and
run (if only I could run something against it). Also,
what is the difference in the EJB 2.0 CMP and orion
proprietary CMP.

Servlet/JDBC is sure looking a bit simpler right now.
Hopefully, some info and more examples are available
to help get an environment setup with CMP EJB's, to
work off of.


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