I thought I wanted to quickly share my unsubscribe experience so people knew
why the list gets those occassional flames.

First, on orionserver.com, they have a text field to put your email address
and hit either subscribe or unsubscribe.  As far as I can tell, the
unsubscribe button actually does unsubscribe you, but the page that gets
displayed welcomes you to the list and otherwise appears as if you
subscribed (including alternate instructions on how to unsubscribe).  The
reason I think you are actually unsubscribed is that within 5 minutes you
get an email saying you've been unsubscribed.

Second, I continued to receive emails (about a dozen?) in past 3 hours after
unsubscribing.  I can understand that listserv messages sometimes queue up,
but since you receive the confirmation of unsubscrption immediately, it
feels as if the listserv isn't backed up (although this is probably a false

Anyway, just wanted to share my experiences in case someone had some free
time to update the orionserver.com site.  The listserv has just become too
trafficked lately for me to keep up, which is a great sign to me even though
the releases aren't coming out.

Serge Knystautas
Loki Technologies

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