Thanks to all the suggestions to this puzzle.

Nick Newman's suggestion to add the contentType did the trick.

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/xml" %>

I also got a post from Anders Dahlberg suggesting an alternative way of
doing the contentType as shown below:

<% response.setContentType("text/xml"); %>

Both of these suggestions solved this problem.

One post suggested that I make the URL end in XML (since there's a similar
problem with PDFs in IE5).  This turned out not to be necessary once I got
the contentType set properly.

At this point, I've gotten all of the basic mechanisms working and am well
on my way to meeting the goals I mentioned in my original note.  When I've
gotten it all working, I'll post more info on how well it works (and more
importantly how well it seems to scale).

Thanks again,

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